Thursday, January 3, 2008

Arrived safe and Sound

Just a quick update to say the I've arrived. SO did all my luggage and everything transported....only a couple of very minimal things. I have settled in at "the barn" suite they've assigned me.

More later have to be to work for 8/...I have a whole page on todays' venture..I started at 3 a.m. and just now I've connected to wireless network so am able to send this out. Local time central is 12 midnight.

It is cold and Hanna tells me there isn't much snow yet! I'll explain this and more. Everything is put away or stored for the return trip.


dbelitski said...

Good to hear you have arrived safe and sound keep those tender ears covered!\Di

carol collier said...

Happy New Year Bob,

Enjoying your blog!

Glad you have the technology to keep us posted on your daily adventures.

Take care,

Unknown said...

hurrah! Glad you are there safe and sound----well, as sound as you ever get I take it. lol Can't wait to read all about your adventures. Take care and enjoy!!

janet S said...

Hi Briggs,

That plane looks pretty large and comfy to me - I think you are fooling us all!!

Just make sure those lateral chests are straight!!!

Janet S