We made it through the week. Actually so did the entire health centre. Staff and building, we survived. I don’t think I‘ve had a week of work that was more of a more roller coaster ride in a long time. I told you about the floods at the centre and while they could have been a catastrophe, that proved not to be the case. There was a flood that did affect the entire town this week. It seems that over at the CoOp, a pipe burst sometime Monday during my first arctic blizzard.
What resulted has affected most residents very deeply. The burst water shorted out the cable TV system for the entire community. Hence on Monday we had no stations. They’ve been coming back slowly but a few are still not “on line”. We had the movie channels but not the listings station. OLN was great and I learned so much about sled dog racing one lunch hour.
I had been making a list of the stations we were getting on sunday and their home towns. NBC and ABC were Detroit as well as WGN. the Chicago superstation. What really amazed was that WIVB out of Buffalo was the CBS affiliate, so I was watching basically some familiar newscasts. The local Buffalo-Niagara Falls weather and news presented with a smattering of canadian content, eh?
Sunday night while watching the news, we had a polar bear sighting. I’ve included a photo for those that are non believers. I don’t think I’ll ever look at those “swims” the same now. But hey it’s Friday so what’s everyone doing for the weekend? There’s a whole bunch of activities.
I found out there is bingo down at the hall. Well I asked a stupid question, if they called the numbers in English or Inuktitut. Eyebrows were raised and the question was answered. What they didn’t tell me was it wasn’t a social occasion down at the hall, you just picked up your cards there. Then you went home and played alongside the radio as the numbers were called. As soon as you got a bingo, you called the station. I didn’t dare ask if they answered in english or…
But hey it’s Friday, and we are ready to party...but a slight catch. Across the parking lot from the health centre there was a building with a snow covered sign. Finally today at noon the sun came out. I ventured forth from the safety (and warmth) the health centre. Without bundling up I was able to take some photos with the long lens from the front and rear entrances. Lo and behold, across from our parking lot less than 150 meters away was...The Canadian Legion Branch #169. TGIF. I’m not sure anymore with some things they are telling me. I’ve become somewhat cynical…possibly 12 dollar beers?
As always, there is a “gotch ya” here in RI, as I’ve now come to know it. Branch #169 only opens at 8:30 p.m. It has a maximum number of patrons allowed (due to fire regulations) and that’s all provided they can find a bartender for the evening. It closes late but how can you tell when at 845 this a.m., the sun was just starting to show itself in the most beautiful of sunrises.
What resulted has affected most residents very deeply. The burst water shorted out the cable TV system for the entire community. Hence on Monday we had no stations. They’ve been coming back slowly but a few are still not “on line”. We had the movie channels but not the listings station. OLN was great and I learned so much about sled dog racing one lunch hour.
I had been making a list of the stations we were getting on sunday and their home towns. NBC and ABC were Detroit as well as WGN. the Chicago superstation. What really amazed was that WIVB out of Buffalo was the CBS affiliate, so I was watching basically some familiar newscasts. The local Buffalo-Niagara Falls weather and news presented with a smattering of canadian content, eh?
Sunday night while watching the news, we had a polar bear sighting. I’ve included a photo for those that are non believers. I don’t think I’ll ever look at those “swims” the same now. But hey it’s Friday so what’s everyone doing for the weekend? There’s a whole bunch of activities.
I found out there is bingo down at the hall. Well I asked a stupid question, if they called the numbers in English or Inuktitut. Eyebrows were raised and the question was answered. What they didn’t tell me was it wasn’t a social occasion down at the hall, you just picked up your cards there. Then you went home and played alongside the radio as the numbers were called. As soon as you got a bingo, you called the station. I didn’t dare ask if they answered in english or…
But hey it’s Friday, and we are ready to party...but a slight catch. Across the parking lot from the health centre there was a building with a snow covered sign. Finally today at noon the sun came out. I ventured forth from the safety (and warmth) the health centre. Without bundling up I was able to take some photos with the long lens from the front and rear entrances. Lo and behold, across from our parking lot less than 150 meters away was...The Canadian Legion Branch #169. TGIF. I’m not sure anymore with some things they are telling me. I’ve become somewhat cynical…possibly 12 dollar beers?
As always, there is a “gotch ya” here in RI, as I’ve now come to know it. Branch #169 only opens at 8:30 p.m. It has a maximum number of patrons allowed (due to fire regulations) and that’s all provided they can find a bartender for the evening. It closes late but how can you tell when at 845 this a.m., the sun was just starting to show itself in the most beautiful of sunrises.
What will Saturday bring…GOK (God Only Knows…at first you thought it was an Inuktitut word didn't you?). Under the B 15…
1 comment:
...all of us were at oma's packing up for the big move...going to bob's today for brianna's birthday party..hope that the water problem is finally over with..bet you have clean floors..i think you should go on a snownmoblie ride before you leave or go ice fishing...lol
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