Friday, January 25, 2008

From The Bloggers Desk

From your feedback and emails, it’s been obvious that many have been following this blog in the past 4 weeks. It was my hope to be able to document this trip. I think I’ve accomplished that, possibly more. With photo and text you have followed my exploits. You’ve asked if it was lonely or what I did, but you’ve been looking at and reading the results. I mentioned once that I couldn’t have bought this education. It's true. I learned things about myself and about others.

By my telling this story, you can better understand the people of the north and the tribulations that occur there. Perhaps, the next time a story appears in the news you can have a better understanding of the what, when, and why. Things work differently in the north, they have to.

In the Arctic, dangers exist and tragedies can easily happen. Life is hard but rewarding. This 6-day blizzard refocused me to that. In each community of the north, there is a search and rescue group that is dispatched when someone is reported lost. Often times the results can be a good outcome and the individual(s) is recovered successfully. Many times, though, the results are tragic and the outcome saddens all. The elders who travel in blizzard conditions do so at their personal peril. Such are the ways there. Neighbours help neighbours. Friends are friends for life..and family is important...whether they all get along on not.

It’s not a simple life. It is a simple practice.


Lynda W - Hamilton said...

Your blog has been fantastic - never knew you to be an author but it seemed like a little "mini book". It certainly gave us an appreciation for what the people from the north live with and the credit they deserve. I will never complain about shoveling snow again!

dianne said...

Welcome home Bob! I feel kinda sad reading the last blog. You know, it's like when you finish a good book that you don't really want to end. I've loved the whole thing, especially all the issues you reflect on that go below the surface. Your writing skills are very good and you have a colorful way of expressing yourself(but we always knew that!) Hey, this may be the beginning of a new hobby/career for you!!
Glad you are back home safe and can't wait to get a look at your new mittens!!